Literally YEARS of planning. Now you're finally married. The wedding was a huge success. It's all over now. It's just memories in the very recent past. Every day that past will get farther and farther away. Years will eventually tick by without you noticing. Loved ones will be born while others pass and each year you'll celebrate another year of marriage. What will you actually HAVE to remember the day by. Will you sit on your phone to pull up 2x4 pictures? Will you sit at the computer to look at an online gallery?
Printed products are the ONLY answer to honoring the most important milestone moments of your life. The highest quality that will last generations. Those perfect memories frozen in time. As you age, the pages in that hand-crafted book won't. As loved ones pass their images remain intact at the peak of happiness celebrating with you. As kids are born they see you on one of the happiest days of your life when their branch of this family tree began.
For the love-of-god, if there were ever anything to invest in properly,. . . it really is this. To not is honestly short-sighted. Ask anyone who's been married several years and has those years of experience behind them. The years go all too quick and now (right now) is too important not to honor.